Number one:

Here we have a prototypical swordfight. This is really the only instance in which I’ve colored that sort of thing. For a time there this was going to be a separate thing to pointless, that is that pointless at that time was in the real life phase and this would follow Cam and company through another alternate adventure of sorts. It and other forms of it were referred to as N/A or not applicable but also had the double meaning as new archetypes. I did not stick with that and this never saw the light of day until now. Now I think that name sucks, but I’ll not dwell on it That is Logan, both Cam and Ash’s father and they are sparring. I had been playing a lot of soul caliber at the time and it shows what with the weapon streaks and all. The frames are a bit different than what I do now, the end effect isn’t all that unpleasant. I like the rigidity of the setup I use now though.

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